Saturday, December 31, 2016

Pre-planning Prototype Levels

In an effort to be more deliberate with my level building, I've mocked up some overhead layouts for several areas I felt might be interesting.

My worry is that I am designing them with the traditional FPS in mind, without knowing how these spaces might work in our capstone game. Only one way to find out.

Thus far the plan of action:
A) I've started doing detailed write-ups on how each area should play - to be included in next post.
B) More detailed maps with each moment, setpiece, enemy location, and things of note will be clearly indicated.
C) Greybox several of the areas out to get a feel for size, sight lines, clutter, player movement.
D) Keep everything very basic.



 2x(20x20) and 4x(10x10)



2x(20x20) and 4x(10x10)

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