P1:Tubes/Columns Area: Nice looking set piece, but it plays weirdly. Makes more sense for a breather area, not seeing it well as a combat area. Theres almost no verticality aspects. I like that you were experimenting with the roof. The large oblong circular platform seems weird however, it doesnt mesh well (edited)
Question: were you doing any write up on the areas you are designing? Like where the space fits in the game, what you feel the intended use is, how does it fit with the planned mechanics
jkwexler [4:32 PM]
The most I've written on it is on my blog. Posted in general chat. I have my own opinions on which areas I think work best. I can do a quick writeup on them if you'd like before you review them.
[4:33 PM]
I'm sure one of our speakers said it differently, I believe the Fallout guy, but I believe every level in a game starts as a "who, what, when, where, why" type deal
lots of good stuff, and I'll detail what I like the most (especially the later levels) but don't forget to design levels with stuff in mind instead of in a void, some of these levels feel like theres so idea, and some not so much
jkwexler [4:36 PM]
Agreed. That's good advice. I'll do a more thoughtful write up for my levels moving forward
[4:41 PM]
P2: Kind of confused right away at the gap in the wall, should I as a player be shooting through here to start? Seems counter intuitive to movement focus of the game. The next question is why is everyone down in the pit (where i can just shoot down) instead of varying the positions? Theres no good transition from the pit to the 2nd level, I feel like the stairs are okay but I don't think the player should be focused on stairs with how much wall running and jumping there will be. Are you treating this area more as a traditional FPS or like our game with the tether gun? I don't see any good objects to tether, or good sight lines for the tether gun. I like the addition of the wall running area tho, thats a nice addition, and gives ideas of how we can use verticality to shoot down on enemies. The space feels like it was supposed to be a "go through this locked down area where the enemy is defending it and blocking off the entrance" but then the player can just walk up the stairs and run past, a key issue of "what is this area for?" Is the goal to get to the top of the thing in the middle?

P3: interesting example of a set piece, and looks pretty cool, but not something I can really comment on in terms of level design.
P4: its a cool scale of an area to envision, but its too empty to have a good idea for how I'd play the space. I can say that the first little area with the wall running area gives me the idea of using these wall running sections as good ways to move around enemy set ups (like the walls in P3) and flank them by running around a level. This level highlights a key issue: how does the edge of the level work? Is it a bunch of walls that keep the player in? Can we fall off to our deaths and this is like on a cliff or something? I like the total visual aspect of this level though, especially the main building (edited)
P5: I thought I knew what this was at first, then I hit play and saw the scale. Interesting but this seems like an area of no level I had imagined fitting into the 3 areas we set up (forest-ramshackle-installation). I can't really comment towards the playability of the area in its current state
Prototype 5 (shamefully not pictured)
[4:53 PM]
P6: Right off the bat, I love this level and its def my favorite. A+ quality for a prototype/greybox level. Probably the gold star of pre-pro so far. That being said, I def think there needs to be more wall running considerations, verticallity elements would be great (reference Crysis 3, theres a similar feeling base that I will force you to check out if you don't have it already). The area gives me an idea of how it would play out, what the player would be doing, and even if my idea doesnt fit your idea, it is really good to at least get something immediately. The ladder scale seems off. Is the player supposed to jump into the dirt pit? If the player gets to the top of the structure there isnt any good way for melee to make it up, so I imagine it would be more focused on the flying enemies, but I question how effective it is to make a player stay somewhere defending a hill in a game like this. Why aren't the platforms on the ring symmetrical :anguished:? (edited)
jkwexler [4:54 PM]
haha, i had to toy with that, to be symmetrical i would have had to move some things
it was easier to move the walkways then the central structure for purposes of showing the "run up the side"
it can easily be repurposed
[5:00 PM]
P7: LAGGY oh jesus. I think it has something to do with lighting. I have a feeling this fits too much in standard FPS and not as well in this game. Doesn't feel like theres enough thought towards multiple options in moving up and down verticality, especially using wall running. I like the alleys because it provides interesting sight lines, but they don't feel quite right with how I imagine our character controller. I like them, and they can work, but need to be explored further. I would definitely reference the favela level of one of the call of duty games,